Sales and Support
Guy Hammer
Head of Sales USA
Head Office
TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
This CANtrace analyzer package is designed for versatile use and perform any specific task.
A Powerful CAN BUS analyzer software. CANtrace is an easy-to-use CAN network analyzer, that lets you trace, decode and plot CAN messages and signals in real-time, or log everything for post processing in the comfort of your office. Analyzer combination is easy-to-use and built-in features help the organisation to save time and increase efficiency with daily tasks. Package is great solution example if you are working with J1939.
CAN USB interface for connecting a computer to a CAN bus network. The Kvaser Leaf Light HS V2 supports up to 1 Mbit/s high speed CAN and offers high performance at low cost. Loss free transmission and reception of standard 11-bit and extended 29-bit CAN messages on the CAN bus is transmitted with a timestamp precision of 100 microseconds.
Sales and Support
Guy Hammer
Head of Sales USA
Head Office
TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland