Sales and Support
Guy Hammer
Head of Sales USA
Head Office
TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Product Code: Kvaser CANopen stack
Kvaser CANopen stack is very memory efficient. The stack is equipped with predefined compile parameters that offers the possibility to ignore support for unused CANopen optional functionality for the specific CANopen node to save even more memory if necessary to suit the wide range of needed complexity of an CANopen protocol implementations that you may have. Within the code, related blocks of functionality are grouped together in easily maintainable modules.
Communication between the CANopen Slave/Master and the application process takes place through easy-to-use and CPU-time efficient application communication functions described in the KVASER CANopen API documentation.
Kvaser CANopen code stack is portable code that can run on any 8, 16, 32 or 64bit MCU as long as it has a standard compliant C compiler, a timer and a CAN driver. There is a standard API for integrating the stack with your CAN driver, timer and application.
The Kvaser CANopen Stack has been used to make CANopen nodes that have passed the official CiA conformance test and received official CANopen certification from CAN in Automation (CiA). The following standards are supported.
The Kvaser CANopen stack has been successfully used in projects on 8 bit platforms, like the PIC18F67K22, on 16 bit systems, like the Renesas M16C, on µC/OS, on embedded Linux, with socketCAN, on Android, in a Qt environment, on Windows 7 and XP, in both 32bit and 64bit configurations.
The Kvaser CANopen stack is successfully used in tiny bare-metal systems with no operating system. It is also used with Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and with desktop opearating systems, like Windows.
The Kvaser CANopen stack is used in trains, cranes, measuring equipment, radio remote controls, battery management, simulations, PDA tools, network masters, with Wifi and more.
TKE also provides design and development services in case you want to outsource all or part of your CANopen project. TKE can help you with:
The stack is delivered in source code format with support for the Kvaser CANlib on a Windows PC.
Sales and Support
Guy Hammer
Head of Sales USA
Head Office
TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland